Below are examples of common cases brought to Emplore. Whilst this list is not exhaustive, it may provide clarity and insight into the types of issues clients bring us and the solutions and services we offer.

Case 1

A business owner in the hospitality industry has an issue of bullying amongst staff. Two employees have approached the business owner to make a complaint against their manager. The business owner has no experience in conducting a workplace investigation but knows that all complaints involving allegations of misconduct and serious misconduct must be investigated. Emplore is asked to investigate the allegation, provide the business owner with an investigation report, and to coach the employer regarding appropriate next steps.

case 2

A medium sized company has twelve senior managers, all of whom follow a different process when addressing conduct or performance based issues within their team. This inconsistent approach has fractured staff morale, engagement, and job satisfaction. From a legal perspective it has also exposed the company to risk. The employer asks Emplore to draft new workplace policies and procedures pertaining to performance management, and disciplinary procedures, and to then train managers in their correct use. 1:1 coaching is also requested, as is site wide training.

case 3

The Police are investigating an incident involving an employee. An employee alleges that they were sexually harassed in the workplace and then sexually assaulted at a work Christmas party. Emplore is contracted to conduct an impartial workplace disciplinary investigation, separate to the criminal investigation. Once the investigation is complete, Emplore is asked to coach the employer through each step of the disciplinary process. Emplore is also asked to introduce workplace measures which support the victim as best possible and which reduce the risk of a similar incident reoccurring. 

case 4

An employer has a history of having to settle personal grievance claims of unjustified dismissal amongst ex-employees. On average, each case cost the employer $29,000 to settle. After the fifth case, the employer wants to ensure that the company’s procedures for managing organisational change, internal restructures, role redesign, promotions, and job performance are based on best practice. Emplore is asked to conduct an internal review / organisational needs analysis, and to then support the organisation in improving their processes.


A Union representative contacts his clients team leader to discuss a claim of unjustified disadvantage. The team leader explains that he had demoted a member of his team due to on-going issues of lateness and absenteeism. The demotion resulted in a change from day shift to night shift, as well as a reduction in pay and benefits. The employee claims that they were unjustifiably disadvantaged and is subsequently demanding reinstatement to their prior position. Emplore is asked to resolve the matter and to represent the employer during consultation and negotiation with the union.

case 6

An employer notices that two Supervisors are clashing whilst working on a Capex project. The conflict is creating an uncomfortable work environment for others and is negatively impacting productivity. The General Manager attempts to resolve the conflict but is unsuccessful. The company’s Human Resources Manager contracts Emplore to provide in-house mediation. Mediation reveals that structural issues within the organisation are contributing to the problem. Issues such as inequitable pay, role ambiguity, high staff turnover, and lack of perceived support are first identified by Emplore. Once structural issues are adequately addressed, Emplore is asked to provide coaching and 1:1 support for each Supervisor and for the General Manager.


We work with both Private and Public Sector companies from a range of industries. We also work with companies of all sizes, so whether you have five employees or five hundred, we can help.